GMGSI Near-real-time Satellite Imagery

Special note 1900 UTC 08 March 2025: NOAA is experiencing difficulty posting the GMGSI data to the NOAA Big Data site on Amazon AWS. The images you are currently seeing are old and are not time-stamped correctly.

GMGSI Background

Multiple weather satellites watch over the clouds and other features in the atmosphere on a continuous basis. These satellites are launched and operated by several different nations and it can be challenging to find a satellite image for many areas of the world. NOAA has started to produce a product that is a composite of five geostationary satellites around the world. This product is called the NOAA Global Mosaic of Geostationary Sattellite Imagery (GMGSI). The images are produced for four radiation bands: visible (0.6 microns), long-wave infrared (about 12 microns), short-wave infrared (about 3.8 microns), and an infrared channel that can show the middle-atmosphere water vapor patterns (6.7 microns).

Much more information can be found on the GMGSI home page, and the GMGSI AWS (Amazon Web Services) NOAA Big Data page.

Creating the images

The images on this page were created from the raw GMGSI data using the Panoply netCDF, HDF, and GRIB Data Viewer, produced at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. This program is quite powerful and can process and render the satellite image data in many ways. More information about Panoply can be found on the NASA GISS Panpoply page.

Current GMGSI Images

The GMGSI data is downloaded shortly after it is available from the GMGSI AWS archive referenced above. New images are usually available about :55 each hour.

Region Visible Water Vapor Short IR Long IR Montage
United States
Tropical Atlantic (MDR)
Western North Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean
Central America

24-hour animations

Animations from the previous 24-hours. These plots are updated shortly after the top of the hour. Additional animations will be added soon!

Region Visible Water Vapor Short IR Long IR
Tropical Atlantic (MDR)
United States

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