Dr. Stephen Masters Consulting, LLC
Dr. Stephen Masters Consulting, LLC WRF Forecast
WRF forecast over Portugal and western Spain
WRF Status and configuration
ARW job completed at Wed Mar 12 01:12:04 PM UTC 2025
WRF-ARW v4.5.2 (December 2023)
Model configuration:
Initialization: NCEP GFS forecast
Two domains...
Outer grid: 136x130, 15 km resolution
Inner grid: 161x181, 3 km resolution
Simulation length: 48 hrs
Cumulus: Kain-Fritsch
Microphysics: WSM3
PBL scheme: YSU
Land surface: Noah
Sfc layer physics: Janjic
Long wnd shortave radiation: RRTMG
WRF maps and animations
Grid 1: Portugal, Spain, France
SLP and Hourly Precipitation
2m AGL Temperature
10m AGL Winds
Grid 2: Portugal and western Spain
SLP and Hourly Precipitation
2m AGL Temperature
10m AGL Winds
72-hour meteograms
Lisbon, Portugal
Coimbra, Portugal
Porto, Portugal
Lamego, Portugal
Regua, Portugal
Pinhao, Portugal
Barca De Alva, Portugal
Salamanca, Spain